TNC Series
Projetado para monitoramento 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana de todos os seus equipamentos críticos e outros ativos valiosos. Ajuda a ver os problemas antes que se tornem falhas caras, evitando o tempo de inatividade e aumentando a segurança do trabalhador. Ideal para controle e monitoramento de processos, garantia de qualidade, monitoramento de condições e detecção precoce de incêndio.
- Dual thermal/visible network cameras with integrated web interface
- Offers fusion of thermal-visible images with 18 thermal color palettes
- Full-scene temperature monitoring with up to 12 user defined local regions
- Intelligent high/low temperature tracking, comparative measurements, and hotspot detection
- Alarm condition detection, relay control, and network broadcasting features
- Option for extended temperature measurement range to 1200C.
- PlanckView camera management software and full function RESTful API available
- Thermal resolution available: 640 x 512 or 384 x 288
- Several standard focal length lenses available
- Front-end storage for image and video capture
- Supports PAL and NTSC video formats and image flipping for versatile camera mounting
- Several housing styles available
- TF card storage, supports up to 1T
- Supports many network protocols
- Datasheet and User manuals.
- Software Development Kits available, send inquires here.