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Limited Time Offer

Forneça-nos as seguintes informações para que possamos melhor atender sua solicitação de RMA ...

Attach qualifying purchase receipt

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* Once the form is submitted, Planck Vision Systems will validate your eligibility and ship you a free ThermaCheck (TC160) within 7-10 business days.
Valid dates of purchase for limited time offer are: May 17, 2021 - June 30, 2021


You have 30 days from the purchase date to register your ThermaCheck (TC160) and claim your free ThermaCheck (TC160) unit. For example, if you purchase a ThermaCheck (TC160) on June 30, 2021 you have until July 30, 2021 to claim your free unit. According to the program end date, deadline for valid submissions is July 30, 2021. No exceptions will be made. Once the product is registered you will not be eligible to return the original unit purchased. Limited time offer is only valid for USA sales only no exceptions.


All purchases are subject to Planck Vision Systems Terms and Conditions of Sale (planckvisionsystems/terms)

All products purchased are subject to Planck Vision Systems 2-year product warranty.

Planck Vision Systems reserves the right to amend or end this program at any time.

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